5 Helpful Steps When Selling a Home with Kids

When it comes to selling your home, the process can quickly become a whirlwind of stress as you tackle the task of cleaning and preparing your house for showings. And let’s face it, when you throw kids into the mix, things can easily spiral into an overwhelming situation. Of course, you still want your home to be a place that allows your little ones to play and have their fun, but that’s not always easy when you want to keep your home well-maintained and in pristine charm for potential buyers. Don’t worry! We’ve got you covered with five smart steps to take to help you create a space that not only keeps your children entertained, but impresses interested buyers as well. You can beat this challenge and have your house showing-ready when it’s time to put it on the market!

1. When Selling a Home with Kids, the First Step is to Stay Calm!

First thing’s first: take some deep breaths and relax! You can rest easy and not lose any sleep when selling property with little ones in tow. Countless people have successfully done it, and you can too! Hire a trusted expert REALTOR® to be there to guide you every step of the way and provide you with tips and tricks to stay organized. If you’re concerned about keeping your children’s belongings neat and tidy, there are so many ways to keep toys from taking over your home. And remember, if it’s obvious that you have children, prospective buyers will understand if a stray toy or two sneaks its way out. In fact, you can even use this as an advantage! Potential buyers, especially families, will resonate with a home that has built so many precious memories, and can imagine themselves living there!

2. If You Don’t Need It, Store It Before Going on the Market

To create an inviting space for buyers to envision as their own, it is wise to temporarily stow away any bulky or excess items. Your children may absolutely adore their blow-up ball pit, but it may interrupt the flow of the house. Similarly, while a few family photos add warmth to the house, an entire wall plastered with family portraits and your kids’ artwork can unintentionally steal attention. When you’re preparing for listings photos and home showings, be sure to follow these staging rules. 

3. Declutter and Consolidate Your House

It’s truly shocking how quickly things can accumulate in a household once kids enter the picture. Before you know it, every nook and cranny seem to be bursting at the seams with their belongings, from toys to artwork to video games, and so much more. Try not to let the clutter overwhelm you! Whenever you have a free weekend, use this opportunity to declutter your home! Dedicate some time to sorting through everything in your house to evaluate what you really need and what you can part with. If you find yourself uncertain about a particular item, ask yourself just one question: “When was the last time I actually used this?”. If you can’t recall an instance over the last month, it may be time to find it a new home. By ridding of your extra items, you’ll not only create a more spacious and organized living environment, but you’ll also discover some peace of mind from lightening your load, especially when it comes time to pack up and move.

4. Always Be Prepared Before a Home Showing

Scheduling showings while having kids in the house can certainly pose a challenge. It’s recommended to request a minimum of four hours of notice before prospective buyers arrive. Communicate with your agent and discuss the times that work best for your family’s schedule. Consider marking off time slots like nap times, mealtimes, bath times, or bedtimes. By informing your agent of these details, you can ensure that your family’s routines remain intact while accommodating visits from interested buyers. Remember, it’s essential to find a balance between flexibility and your own family’s needs since schedules don’t always align perfectly with possible buyers.

In order to always stay one step ahead, try creating a checklist of tasks that need to be completed before each showing. This checklist will serve as a handy reminder to tidy up toys, rearrange the playroom, and take care of any other cleaning that needs to be done. With proper planning and organization, you can seamlessly navigate the showing process while keeping your children’s routines intact and your home in shape.

5. Create a “Go-Kit” For Your Children

Timing is everything when it comes to preparing your kids for showings. Depending on the hour of the day, having snacks and activities at the ready can turn the process of leaving the house into an exciting adventure for your little ones. Not only will this make leaving the house more enjoyable, but it also opens up more opportunities for interested buyers to easily view your home. You can also have a conversation with your kids and explain to them exactly why they’re leaving the house so often, and what showings mean for the family. If they feel like they’re an important part of the process, it can make all the difference in their willingness to cooperate. 

Additional Considerations When Selling with Kids

For your kids, this may be the only place they have called “home” and selling their house can be a stressful experience for them.  Depending on how old they are, you can discuss it with them so they feel like they’re a part of the process and can get excited about a new “big kid” room, a new fun playroom, or that fenced-in yard for them to run around in with their dog.  As most parents know, it’s all about how you spin it and how you prepare for things ahead of time.  To learn more about the buying and selling process and for more tips on how to make this a smooth one with kids, contact me today!